Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cho Chweet Proposal !

“Love is two hearts beating as one”, “Love is that which touches you once and lasts forever”, “Love is like a war, easy to start and difficult to end” (Bullshit! Love is a war ?? ), “Love is …..”There goes the endless list. Every Idiot having this nausea starts narrating quotations as if he had seen the whole depth of love . Who knows love better than me ? Who knows how difficult it is to LOVE a girl (I mean ,love is LOVE only if even girl LOVES you).
Rose day,Proposal day,chocolate day, Teddy day, Promise day, Hug day, Kiss day . Each day , I had seen my friends updating their status stating “Committed” . But my Big day is tomorrow “The Valentine’s Day”. Here I would like to give you recap of what happened exactly one year back ….

It was near our institute canteen. I was waiting for her (as usual) but this time very anxiously . I could hear my friends cracking jokes on me (Yah! Those losers).Though little tensed , I know what to do . There she comes with those eager eyes and lovely lips . I started conversation quite casually.
Me: Hey …Hi Geetha… You are looking gorgeous today ..(Some people call it buttering .. Others call it icing .. But I call I call it “Boosting”. Yah! You know …you have to boost the confidence levels of gals every time !)
Geetha : Thank You Arjun … Actually Black suits me .
Me : (Ghanta mera .. Black suits to everybody).Added to that your kajal ..Hmm… You are looking sexy
Geetha : (Sweet smile )
Me : Today I want to propose a gal .You see .. I was talking to this girl all day and night these days . She looks “OK” type and all … You know what ? I think even she loves me . ( Guys often use “ You know what ?”, “You see ..” things quite often their GF’s ..Notice carefully)
Geetha : ( Pretending as if she is amused to listen to all these ) Really .. Kya baat he .. Who is She ? (Raising her eyebrow)
Me : (WTF? Am I not talking to You all these days ?) She is with me now .. Guess Who ? ( Lamest proposal I guess)
Geetha : ( She looked all the sides .. She was about to say something)
Me : It’s You !!!
(My stupid friends started walking towards us )
Geetha : Hey … I will call you later OK ..
Me : No .. I want to know the answer now
Geetha : Hey .. Come on .. I will call you @ night …
Me : Plzzz Tell me YES/NO … that’s it . ( I cursed myself some million times for this . Dudes …. Never do this )
Geetha : “ Obviously” NO
Me : ( Stupid smile I gave to her ) OK ! Bye .

Her absence for next few days drove me crazy . Only then I decided what not to do . “Never use Brains to win Hearts”. I should flood her with immense love and drown her completely into my heart. Though our initial meets were bit rough , we moved on normally after that .I made her feel the real tinge of love. And one year passed very quickly ….

Only this time did I realized that apart from Valentine’s Day there are lot many other occasions where I can show my love to Geetha . Starting from 7th Feb to 14th Feb everyday is a special day. Each day I gave her a gift and left one message with it .

Gift : A Red Rose (with one thorn left intentionally)
Message : Oh my Red Rose..
Till the day my love LOVES you..
Till the day your beauty makes my love happy ..
Everyday Wish her a HAPPY ROSE DAY.

Gift : A greeting Card ( Showing a Guy proposing a Gal )
Message : If my life is more colourful than before
If my world is more eventful than ever
And If I could be happier forever
The reason is YOU ... HAPPY PROPOSAL DAY.

Gift : Cadbury chocolate ( Kuch Meeta hojaye )
Message : Every bite melting in her mouth
Share my love along with your sweetness
Making her ask for more
Fill CHOCOLATE DAY with complete SWEETness.


Gift : A medium sized Teddy ( Teddies are costly)
Message : Entertaining you during the times of boredom
With a cheerful smile always on its face
Taking all your kisses and Hugs
It wishes you every time “ HAPPY TEDDY DAY ” .


Gift : ????
After all she fell ill. I came to know about this after ‘Intime’ (Time after which gals are not allowed to come out of their Hostels). I took the risk. I bribed as many as possible and finally reached her with one fracture, bruises on my hands and legs and a dog bite. Still .. I didn’t feel any pain. I took her hands into mine and whispered “ As long as I am with you , nothing will happen to you ,.. This is my PROMISE ”.

Nothing happened . But she recovered (almost) from her ill health. I am happy for that .

I was busy doing something in LAB working on ... I don’t remember. She called me and asked to come to canteen immediately . I somehow escaped from LAB and reached canteen.
She gave me a hug and Kissed me . “ HAPPY HUG DAY AND KISS DAY ” She said. No words from my side ( Flat ...)
And now no plans for tomorrow .. I am gonna put my heart straight to her. This time I don’t want to do anything fancy. No poetry ...No gifts ..Only three words to connect our two hearts and make us one pair . I LOVE YOU .


Keerti Surapaneni said...

though d story ws a lil 2 lame..d description of d dayz ws v impressive!! :) gud job!

sunil said...

you have become a poet,a writer.And this is a wonderful piece of writing.

Maddy said...

@Keerti : Sometimes reality seems boring ...But living it brings thrill. Thank U for ur appreciation.

@Sunil : Thank U bhai .. One day I'll write about U too

shankar said...

good job fella ...