Saturday, August 22, 2009


Nothing is interesting me today. I watched “Matrix” , “Sixth sense” and “ Butterfly Effect” one after another without a break .Some unreality is masking me from feeling the virtuality and believing the reality. I already passed my regular sleeping time and still ... certain voidness is ushering through my brain. I am now looking at emptiness .Not at sky (Sky is not empty). Not at anything. I don’t know if my eyes are open. I am not asking for anything unexpected to happen. Oh... Come on, I am not dreaming. I am not dead.
Suddenly “Crazy Frog” started croaking. Oh! That’s my SMS.
“Meet me immediately now”. First line of the SMS.I scrolled to see the sender. It’s Rahul. Nah! Not now. I will think about it afterwards. I tried to focus upon what I was thinking. But why would Rahul send SMS now? Probably he’s arranging some beer party. If not what? If that’s the case am I missing something? Let me read the SMS completely...
“Meet me immediately
For the last Time”
Sender: Rahul
I am not able to understand what it says. “For the last time?”. I should call him.
I dialled him ten times. No response. Fine then . No option. Have to go. After all he’s my only friend in this city.
“Kuh kuh ..” I pressed his koyal (calling bell). Not once but many times. What’s wrong with him? Oh I understood.... It’s a secret party. Probably he arranged some weed to smoke. Then he should be at upstairs. “Last time ...” crazy fellow doesn’t know how to write a SMS, I told to myself. As I reached the topmost floor, I found none. I pulled my cell phone out and tried to search in it’s dim light. I heard a completely broken and quivering voice from my back. It’s him, Rahul. He came straight to me and hugged me. Few drops fell on my cheek. I thought they were tears first. Hastily he handed me something and he went straight to the dead end and jumped from there. I didn’t understand what happened...But slowly I tried to realize how unreal it was. Something is pinching me from inside not to believe what I saw. I stepped forward to see my friend in a pool of blood. What happened is not tragedy, it’s a disaster. I let him die. heart is filled with remorse. I didn’t even try to stop him. It’s my fault...
As I fell down in shock I realized that the tiny droplets on my cheek are blood drops and not tears. Oh my god ...something seriously is wrong ...Even before his death, he underwent some pain. Ahh..So many questions and only one link..The strange thing he handed to me before his suicide. I kept it in my pocket. I attended the autopsy and gave all the information about Rahul, our friendship, his habits etc but didn’t mention about the “letter”. Yes, the strange thing he handed to me was a letter. It’s not a suicide letter. It’s a love letter...

I cut my vein
Trying to feel pain
Here comes my blood, brick red
But why am I dying ?

I gobbled a bottle of sedatives
Just to feel your impressions in my dreams
Still no indication of nausea ...
But why am I dying ?

I don’t know if I am jumping from this height
I am just asking the wind for it’s tender help
I am dying my sweet heart
Fearing that you are alone over there

You said I am your first love
Helping me realize true love
Immediately you found someone
Calling me a wretched one

I am still living the loneliness that she left to me
Hoping that she will realize her true love one day
Oh.. that bastard
He not only killed my love, but her

I am coming my love, don’t fear
Why to accept this mundane life
When it doesn’t accept our true love
In heaven, we will meet again love

But please my love ..
Feel my love
If you doubt me even there
There's no meaning for you ...LOVE
I don’t know if what Rahul did was right but I will see that the insane one who killed his love will be behind the bars .At least this I have to do for my friend.

I MADE IT HAPPEN .... explains how I took my revenge .


TheFaceless Blogger said...

waitin for the rest of the story

Sri Harsha said...

Much better than your "Blood Rush". Good Job!

Keerti Surapaneni said...

real gud1!!n very out of d box :)

Unknown said...

nice........carry on!!!!

Anudeep said...

wow u r getting good..can't wait for part 2..

Maddy said...

There will be sequel to this ..

Unknown said...

good.......sequel leka pothae......its pretty simple.........poem was very good........din get wht u tried to do in the story......if u are writing the sequel.i am the one waiting for it the most........

yesh said...

where is that part2 ?

Maddy said...

Coming dude "I made it Happen".